Friday, April 4, 2014

Bible in 90 Days - Day 1

Wow. Just wow.

I got a late start on my Bible in 90 Days goal and reading plan. I had originally set out to begin it on Monday March 31st. However, I didn't get to start it until April 1st and I'm only blogging about it April 3rd. I missed Day 2 of reading so I will be doing Day 2 and 3 on Day 3.

My reading for Day 1 was
Genesis 1 - Genesis 16

There was so much information given to us in the very first 16 chapters of the Bible! We start at literally nothing and go all the way to Abram and Sarai!

Key Events and People:

The Creation (duh!)

What a massive event this was. God took us from vast space to separating Heaven from Earth, Land from Sea and creating all creature including..wait for it...Humans!

Adam and Eve and The First Sin

The first humans were Adam and Eve and just like humans do, they sinned. Only their sin became world - renowned because it was the very first sin. While reading this, I kept thinking how vastly different our world would be if that event never took place. I mean they were walking around naked, with God, and in total peace. No hurt, no suffering. Just peace. How wonderful would that be?! Then, the snake comes along and convinces Eve that what is good for God should be good for her and causes all that to go out the window. Now Adam and Eve are ashamed of their nakedness, God is disappointed, and we begin with pain and suffering.

Cain and Abel

The first account of sibling rivalry. Cain and Abel (Adam and Eve's first two sons) go to present God with their gifts. God accepts Abel's gift, but not Cain's. Of course Cain is jealous and feels left out. But, God says to him "Why do you feel so dejected? You will be accepted if you do what is right, but if you don't, sin is waiting to take control!" (Genesis 4:6-7) So, (spoiler alert) Cain decides to do exactly the opposite of what God tells him. He invites his brother out into the fields and he murders him. I'm sure he was thinking "If Abel is out of the way then I will have God's love all to myself. Does that happen? No, of course not. This is God we are talking about here! God comes to look for Abel and gives Cain all he has coming to him. He basically banishes him, makes it so the ground will never work for him again, and says that if anyone tries to harm Cain, they will get it too...times SEVEN! This story made me think about my boys always vying for my attention. I would hope they would never kill each other over it though! Don't worry boys, Mom loves you both equally!

Noah (the one I was anticipating the most!)

So after Cain and Abel, Adam and Eve end up having another son. Seth. And along Seth's lineage, we end up at Noah. Possibly one of the most known people in the Bible outside of Jesus himself. I'm sure we all know this story well. God's people had begun to sin so much that He felt He should just start over. He asks Noah to build a boat 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. Then, take his wife, his three sons and their wives, and two of each animal (male and female), load the boat and hang out there until the water has stopped pouring from the sky and had receded back down. You know Noah had to have some kind of HUGE FAITH to just up an build a boat like that! I mean it says the man was 500 years old when God gave him his instructions! I'm 30 and I don't think I could build a boat that big!

Abram and Sarai (and Hagar)

Along Noah's line of descendants we end up at Abram (Abraham). There is a LOT to Abram's story (including Lot himself!) He travels all over the place, forms an army and fights Kedorlaomer's army (and wins), cares for and then separates from his nephew Lot. He has quite the story! But, to me the most interesting is the beginning of the first love triangle in the Bible. Abram is married to Sarai however, Sarai is unable to have children. So she decides to give Abram her hand-maiden Hagar. I mean who wouldn't give their husband another woman? Hagar then becomes pregnant, brags to Sarai about it, and naturally Sarai becomes engulfed in jealousy. Sarai goes to Abram and says, "Look at her flaunting this baby around! It's totally unfair!" (paraphrasing if you didn't guess) and Abram (like a true gentleman) says, "She's your hand-maiden, you deal with her." Sarai is so mean to Hagar that Hagar decides to run away. Pregnant and scared, she encounters an angel on her journey. He tells her to return to Sarai and submit to her authority and I will give you more descendants than you can count! He also tells her to name her son Ishmael which means "God hears" because God has heard your cry.

In our next reading, we pick up where this story leaves off. I have studied Abram, Sarai and Hagar just a little bit. Enough to know this story is going to get GOOD. Overall I have to say that despite the LONG lists of lineage (and there are quite a few generations to go through), this is a great beginning to what we know is a world changing story. I can't wait to get to the next part!

This weeks readings:

Day 2: Genesis 17 - Genesis 28:19
Day 3: Genesis 28:20 - Genesis 40:11
Day 4: Genesis 40:12 - Genesis 50
Day 5: Exodus 1 - Exodus 15:18

How are you doing? Are you following along with the Bible in 90 Days? Is this your first time reading the Bible through?

I hope you enjoy this as much as I am!

Have a blessed day,